Corel quattro pro
Corel quattro pro

corel quattro pro

Its help system under ‘Help for Lotus 123 Converts’ said: Leaving that story aside, by 1992 I had a copy of Quattro Pro v4. The Group ‘encouraged’ us to get a copy of Lotus 1-2-3 anyway, so I had plenty of opportunity to cross-check the credentials of the respective products. I shopped around, coaxed by the urgings of the Company Secretary. I needed to get a more reliable product that didn’t break the bank (Lotus 1-2-3 would set you back £400-ish). Supercalc could export to Lotus 1-2-3, the group standard, but the results weren’t always reliable. At that time, macros were in the main, keystroke interpreters. It was actually Supercalc 3.1 - essentially Supercalc 2 with a macro-interpreter thrown in. And if they do, we’ll just hard code it in.” :-)īet they didn’t smile then. No one will ever, ever want any more than that. I can still imagine that nameless IBM rocket-scientist: “We’ll set maximum memory at ONE MEGABYTE. Ah happy days, Upper Memory Blocks and then Extended memory and Expanded memory which took software beyond the one Megabyte limit. Lotus 1-2-3 ran well in a standard 512 kb of RAM. Yet Apple was dying on its feet - entrenched in an 8% market share of all things desktop. Windows 3.1 and O/S 2 were recent market entrants for those who insisted on Mice, Pointers and a GUI experience. IBM compatibles ruled the roost powered by DR DOS, IBM DOS and MS DOS. WIMP - Windows /Icon / Menu / Pointer - that was the direction of nerd-heaven. In those long gone days, XP wasn’t born and even Windows 95 was little more than a ‘look and feel’ glint in Gate’s eye. These gave that market leading product a WYSIWYG style interface.

corel quattro pro

A market grew up for Lotus 1-2-3 add ons. 1-2-3 did some useful things but it wasn’t pretty. The then leading spreadsheet was Lotus 1-2-3.

Corel quattro pro